Beginner’s Boxing for Wellbeing
Oxfordshire Mind run Beginner’s Boxing for Wellbeing courses in schools across Oxfordshire. The courses are made up of four weekly sessions, and in each session we run an interactive a mental health workshop, followed by a fun beginner’s friendly boxing session. The course can be delivered in either primary or secondary schools, and is adapted to suit the needs of the pupils. The course aims to support students to learn how to look after their mental health, and understand how physical activity can help reduce stress and support our wellbeing.

We have now delivered this course in 17 schools across Oxfordshire, working with over 200 pupils. The course is always co-delivered by a member of the school staff, usually the school health nurse or a wellbeing lead. The course has been extremely successful, and 93% of students rated the course as good or amazing. We have found that student’s wellbeing, as measured by the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, significantly increases after taking part on the course.
“The course helped us to learn coping strategies, boost our confidence and give us healthy ways to relieve stress. This has had a significant impact on our everyday lives. The course also encouraged us to share our problems knowing it was in a secure environment.”
Student feedback after attending the Boxing course
“Overall, we found the course beneficial as we now have different ways to cope with day to day struggles that used to seem unmanageable. We now have a more positive mindset and things don’t seem so bad.”
Student feedback after attending the Boxing course
If you work in a school or local council, and would like Boxing for Wellbeing to be delivered in your local school, please contact [email protected].