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The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on the 10th October every year. The day provides an opportunity “for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.” Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing.

This year Oxfordshire Mind are launching a World Mental Health Day campaign to get staff, service users, local workplaces, local educational institutions, National and Local Government talking about Mental Health through submitting contributions into the #OxMindWMHD book.

A contribution into the book could be a Pledge, Photo, Art Work, Personal Experience or Journey, Challenges Faced, Poem, Literature to name a few! Everyone has mental health and these contributions are a chance for you to express what mental health means to you. This campaign allows individuals the opportunity to open up, discuss their challenges (and how they have overcome them), and break the stigma surrounding mental health challenges.

Contributions can be submitted in confidence or named. Oxfordshire Mind will be accepting contributions until the 10th October, these will then be bound into a book and presented on World Mental Health Day.

You can submit a contribution today via or the below form:

  •     Post (Oxfordshire Mind, 2 Kings Meadow, Oxford, OX2 0DP)
  •     Email ([email protected])
  •     Phone (01865 263 735)
  •     Facebook #OxMindWMHD
  •     Twitter #OxMindWMHD
  •     Instagram #OxMindWMHD

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As a charity we’d like to contact you from time to time to tell you more about our work, campaigns, volunteering and opportunities for you to be involved and influence Oxfordshire Mind. You can unsubscribe at any time and we promise never to send you spam or junk mail, or give your details to anyone else.
If you're happy for us to get in touch with you, please tick the relevant boxes to let us know:
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Don’t forget to share that you have inserted a contribution into the book via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the #OxMindWMHD!