A behind-the-scenes tour of one of Oxford Health’s hospitals, expert help and tips on boosting your wellbeing, and fun-packed activity sessions are just some of what’s on offer at Virtual HealthFest 2020.

Join us online at https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/healthfest/ from noon on September 12 and tour our virtual festival arena packed with six themed activity tents and a main stage.
Each area is a gateway to exploring a host of activities, entertainment and information on Oxford Health’s mental and physical health services in both in-patient settings and in the communities we serve. They also showcase work that our health, social and community partners provide.
Under a theme of Thriving With Nature, the event promises something for all tastes and ages. You’ll be welcomed by Chief Executive Dr Nick Broughton, and you can then explore at your own pace, and from the comfort of your own home.
The main stage will debut a specially commissioned film guiding people around some of the key services at Abingdon Community Hospital – including Abbey Ward, the Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Unit (OSRU), the Minor Injuries Unit, EMU, District Nursing and Hospital@Home services.
In the Keeping Active tent you can try Age UK Oxfordshire’s Generation Game and Tai Chi; try out Oxfordshire Mind’s Walks for Wellbeing; there’s some Have A Go films from our Learning Disability Service and even a video called Train Yourself Happy.
In the Staying Well tent you can find first aid demonstrations from our NHS friends at South Central Ambulance Service, Caring With Confirdence from Dementia Oxfordshire; oral hygiene information from our own Oxfordshire Community Dental Services and Street Wisdom’s Mindfulness Walks.
In the Green Alert tent, which will be introduced by Trust chair David Walker, we will shine a spotlight on our environmental campaign to show how we have, and are continuing to, prioritisie carbon reduction and bring in more sustainable working.
In the Thriving with Nature tent you can explore the joint Oxford Health Charity and Chiltern Rangers project to create a peace and tranquility garden at Abingdon Community Hospital. This space is for the benefit and rehabilitation of patients and the wellbeing of staff. You can also listen to Oxfordshire Recovery College’s podcast ‘Hope is the thing with feathers’.
In the Arts & Wellbeing tent you can flex your creative muscles with our Recycled Art Competition; find out how creativity is good for the mind and body; how our Arts in Healthcare programme brings so many benefit to our patients in community hospitals.
In our Charity, Membership & Involvement tent we will have a special film looking at how our charity has supported our workforce during Covid; our Oxford Health Care packs and the many businesses who have supported us. We also take a look at the benefits of becoming a member of our Trust and virtually meet some of our Governors.
Don’t miss out on the fun at Virtual HealthFest, which is being run during the Oxford Open Doors weekend. All our content will be live from noon on Saturday, September 12 and can be viewed at any time after that.