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get into reading

Reading book

With the Witney Reading Group

The Reading Group in Witney has been running for over six years and consists of a very welcoming group of people.

Each week, we meet together to read aloud good short stories and novels. All our reading takes place when we meet – there is no need to read at home between sessions.

We usually have something to say about what we read with lively discussions about life, its problems and joys; occasional tears and often a lot of laughter follow on from the reading.

There is never any pressure either to read aloud or talk; those who sit quietly and listen to what is going on are just as important to the group as those who choose to read. This is a wonderful group to be with. The way in which each member respects and encourages each other and welcomes newcomers is impressive and has led to strong friendships, a real sense of community and visible personal development.

The group meets weekly at Witney Resource Centre, Moorland Road, Witney OX28 6LF
Tuesdays, 2pm to 3.30pm

Come and join us – you’ll be surprised by how much you enjoy it!

If you’d like to join the group, or just find out more, please contact Witney Mind on 01993 702999.

Or, if you are new to Oxfordshire Mind’s services, please call the Info Line on 01865 247788 for details on accessing our services.