“The partnership is fantastic! In all the years I have worked in mental health this is the first time organisations have really come together to improve services for people.”
The Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership is an exciting partnership that formally brings together six local mental health organisations from the NHS and the charity sector: Connection Support, Elmore Community Services, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxfordshire Mind, Response and Restore. We are signing up to working much more closely with each other and with people who have mental health problems to make it easier for people to get the best possible support when they need it.
The partnership brings a lot of benefits and improvements for service users including a Recovery College which uses an empowering and educational approach to mental health recovery, and is run by people with lived experience of mental health problems who are supported by a team of professionals. We are committed to working with the people who use our services as this means that we can focus our resources where they are needed most, and provide a high quality service which will make a real positive difference to the lives of anyone with a mental health problem and help us support anyone who helps care for them.
Through closer joint working, shared training and development and shared learning we are building on the specialist skills of all of our staff to give them the support they need to provide the level of high quality care we want all of our service users to receive.
As part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership, Oxfordshire Mind provides our Supported Housing Service and Wellbeing Services including Peer Support, Educational & Coping Skills Courses, Walking for Wellbeing, Safe Havens, Benefits for Better Mental Health, Information Service, Stepping into Wellbeing (Day Hospital), AMHT Wellbeing Workers and Information & Options Workers.
Our Mission
To support recovery, hope, and ambition.
We do this by being
- Compassionate
- Creative
- Collaborative
Partner Organisations
The Oxford Mental Health Partnership is made up of Oxfordshire Mind, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Elmore Community Services, Response, Connection Support, and Restore.
By working together we create better services and provide support that promotes quality of life for people with mental health illness.